Occasionally I will set up on a hilltop and operate portable. The above
picture was taken November 13, 2002. I was parked along the road
two-thirds of the way up the mountain. It shows a vertical, end fed
halfwave wire for 17 meters supported by an MFJ pole, and a rigid
dipole.The dipole is a wire antenna with several Molex connectors
added. I can separate a connector on either side and switch from 10
through 20 meters. The wires are held out with two
Cabelas fishing poles,
16.5 feet long each, and the whole thing is supported with a 25-foot
aluminum push-up pole with a drive-on base. The radio was my FT-817
running 5 watts.
One of the contacts I made that day was to an XYL in Georgia. What
started as a casual contact turned into my longest-ever ham radio QSO
at one hour, thirty-four minutes as her husband, sitting alongside her,
operated the computer to view my web pages as we talked. The only
reason the contact ended was that the band closed and neither antenna
allowed us to continue.