There is a saying that goes something like, "Big hat - small ranch."
But I say, "Big antenna - small radio." It's a good combination.
When I bike to work, I like to have a radio along to chat with other
hams. It makes the ride go quickly and I (sometimes) forget the large
hills I must climb just to get out of Dodge, or in my case, Golden,
Colorado. It's uphill both ways. . . really. For a while I ran 2-meters
with a long, colinear J-pole: two 1/2-waves fed with a 1/4-wave,
450-ohm ladder line match. I have received good signal reports from the
other side of Denver while on FM simplex. The radio is an old Standard
brand HT running five watts. I built the antenna from plans by
KB1DIG. His last diagram on "page 5" shows the version I built.
A film can holds the BNC connector
Complete antenna with phasing coil between the two elements. |